I have a red rash under my left breast, could I have shingles in that area? - shingles under breasts pictures
If I noticed a rash red zone in the left breast, is burned, but no pain. I thought it might be sweaty, but it was cool out. Can shingles in your chest? Yes, I had chicken pox before. I am 67 years old.
I do not believe that shingles will be presented with burning. It is a deep nerve pain, but can feel a spider bite at the beginning. Unless you have terrible pain, you probably will not shingles, despite the fact that the rash is only one side is gravel-like.
If your immune system is the lack of sleep, colds, or else a little depressed, then the shingles is a possibility could be, but usually do not flare at normal conditions.
EW. And yes.
EW. And yes.
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